Death of the Application Browser

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Thu Nov 26 12:22:55 EST 2015

On 26/11/15 15:33, [-hh] wrote:
> Peter B. wrote:
>> 1) In general, we have found that the Project Browser is easier to use
>> by newcomers

So, all we give a damn about are newcomers . . .

>>   to LiveCode, and easier to explain in training materials.

Funny that; my group of 9 to 15 year old, non-native speakers had no 
trouble at all with
the Application Browser.

Oh, but that's probably because I'm a qualified and highly experienced 
teacher who CAN explain things

> There is nearly no difference if you have one button and one field.

I've got several buttons, and getting rid of the Application Browser just
pushed one of them quite hard.

>> 2) We also found that there was significant confusion caused by the
>> presence of both "Project Browser" and "Application Browser" in the
>> "Tools" menu, which was leading to users trying to follow instructions
Mun be the "instructions: were screived by some one who did not do their job
very well.
>> and ending up in completely the wrong place.
> What makes you think that the whole big community has that confusion too?
> I'm only 30 months with LC, I can use already both without any confusion.

I would suppose we are to take that as implying that we, your loyal 
user-base, are all glaikit.

This would not be the first time that aspersions have been cast upon us.

You micht be better to hearken to your user base, lest they decide they 
will not thole
any longer to that sort of handling.

>> 3) In the LiveCode 8 development team, we made a conscious decision to
>> focus our resources on the Project Browser, because most of our users
>> (and most of us) find it easier to use.  This means that the LiveCode 8
>> Application Browser has received fewer feature improvements and testing
>> that the Project Browser.

Before you made your "conscious decision" you could have taken a few 
more depth-soundings
than you obviously did . . .

Too fast, too furious, and losing sight of what's important: I've said 
it before.

> The "most of us" may be true.
> But on which data is the wording "most of our users" based?
> The discussion is NOT about the quality of the project Browser, it has it's (high) qualities. It's about its lack of certain important features, in sum:
> It's *unusable* if you have a real big stack, just try.
> Given your arguments are valid, you should consequently make a LC-Lite version, for real beginners. (Good idea, isn't it?)
> But do NOT diminish improvements and testing and do NOT cut, as now, one of the most valuable parts from the full version.
> Hermann


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