One Rect For All specificaiton

Colin Holgate colinholgate at
Wed Nov 25 07:33:59 EST 2015

What you’re describing is one variation of solving the problem, and in LiveCode that is what the different full screen modes do. The one you’re showing is the noborder variation, only you’re using it in a way where you are dictating the standard width.

Look at these links I’ve posted before, and resize your browser window in a range of 4:3 to 16:9, you can see what happens to the content in each case.

The two types I use the most are showall and noborder.

> On Nov 24, 2015, at 11:19 PM, Brahmanathaswami <brahma at> wrote:
> I want to kick off a discussion on target rects for design work.
> We may have a small team of animators and illustrators start work on some projects that would eventually find their way into a mobile app. For these "modules" I would lock it to landscape.
> For "Agile animation development" (= shorten time from script to end product, go live, time cycle) I don't want, at least initially to have this team be burdened with having to create multiple versions of anything.
> So I need to give them a spec for, what we typically call in the printing word "trim size " and "Live Matter safety margins"
> These would equate to the area that is left after a physical book is "chopped out" and then another limit which is "by design" for elements inside that area... 1/4" being a typical minimum for any type object...
> with devices, "trim size" equates with "screen size" So here is what I've dreamed up so far. but we also have a third property of the spec in this world: full background rect, trim size when same data is display on 16 X 9  and then the live matter margins.
> 1) they design in 4 X 3  (if doing comics on paper, then they work on pad/canvas that is e.g. 12" wide 9" tall (4x3)...
> -- i.e. the background art has to fill that entire space.
> 2) Safety zone/matter (as we way in printing biz...) must fit in the 16 X 9 rect *inside* that background
> -- key characters and important visual elements must all fit inside 16 X 9... so that there is "dead space" above and below (but filled with imagery like trees or landscape, textures etc.)
> 3) Live matter zone/margins then ( how far away things should be from the edge of the screen) then is  I believe in Googles' material design spec 40 pixels..for actual objects, text field "voice balloons" in comics, buttons, info boxes etc... away from the edge the 16 X 9 rect...
> if I Open InDesign and ask for a digital publishing document the default is for iPad.. with 36 margins
> building on that we ge
> a) full canvas:  1024p x 768p
> b) safety zone size:  1024 x 576  (letterboxed top and bottom)
> c) LIve matter zone: 952p x 504p
> flip for portrait
> see:
> Comments on this thinking  Has anyone already worked this out?
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