Script for finding duplicate accounts and identifying dups

Mike Bonner bonnmike at
Thu Nov 19 15:42:31 EST 2015

I thought about the sort and compare method, and it works well if theres
only 2 that match, more lines of code are needed if there can be multiple
dupes.  But the single time through sort method is probably faster than the
array method I posted even after tweaking it to allow for multiple dupes.

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 1:27 PM, <dunbarx at> wrote:

> Hi.
> I did not read Bernd's response. Are the records on separate lines?
> jdoe, 123456
> ggarcia, 121212
> ggarcia, 131313
> If they are not. make then so. And then, why not sort the list, and in a
> "repeat with..."  loop check each line with the line following. If they
> match, extract the two indexes. This should take only six lines of code.
> Craig Newman
> -----Original Message-----
> From: JOHN PATTEN <johnpatten at>
> To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at>
> Sent: Thu, Nov 19, 2015 3:14 pm
> Subject: Script for finding duplicate accounts and identifying dups
> Hi All,I have a list of user accounts and unique IDs. The user accounts
> are first initial + last name. A typical list might look like the
> following:jdoe, 123456ggarcia, 121212ggarcia, 131313I’m trying identify the
> duplicates, list the username and their unique 6 digit id.I have been using
> the following code that Bernd shared while ago:
> <
>>…but it only
> works if i leave off my unique 6 digit IDs from my list of accounts,
> naturally.  I would like to be able to identify the user accounts that are
> exact duplicates but then differentiate them by their unique 6 digit ID. So
> essentially, create a new list of just the duplicates and ids, i.e.ggarcia,
> 121212ggarcia, 131313Thanks in advance for any ideas!John
> PattenSUSD_______________________________________________use-livecode
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