AW: Standalone Internet Access Errors

Dan Friedman dan at
Wed Nov 11 11:03:17 EST 2015


I'm not a Windows or network expert, so I don't think I understand the complete meaning of "private".  But, my customers are just normal folks on their home computers.  Today, almost everyone has a home network, so I'm sure there is a network in play.  And who knows how they have it configured?

What they usually tell me is "All my other programs work just fine".

Since it's only my app that was not "installed", and it launches and seems to run fine but can't "see" the internet, I figured the issue was some type of "anit-someing" software on their computer is blocking my app from reaching the internet.  Does that not ring true to you?


> Hi Dan,
> if the same App trying to reach the same URL is working at some customers and at some not, it is obviously a thing on the customers computer side. When I get the message "host address not found" in my App it is almost always that the customers computer is not a single "private PC", but is located in a network with either a proxy server or a special (not windows) network firewall (or sometimes an additional firewall on a private PC). Are your customer only "private" customers with "home networks"?
> Tiemo

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