Standalone Internet Access Errors

Dan Friedman dan at
Wed Nov 11 10:52:40 EST 2015


Yes, 7.0.1.   When this happens, it's usually on user's home computer.  Which I would assume is a standard user account.  What did you replace libURL with?   


> Hi Dan,
> is this with the 7 engine?
> If the app launches ok, it can not be blocked in general. However, I have seen similar problems on windows but did not nail it yet. My problems were on the intranet though. The weird thing is, that using the IP address instead of the server name usually resolved the problem. So my first suspicion was that the DNS entry was resolved too slowly. It might be something different though, because I had the chance to see the problem where some machines were able to reach the server, while others were not. In that case the users that had problems reaching the server were logged in as domain users, while the others had a standard user account.
> What cured the problem finally and made me not investigate any further was that for that project, a replacement for libURL was used.
> Not sure if this helps much.
> Cheers,
> Malte

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