Export snapshot question...

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Sun Nov 8 16:39:42 EST 2015

Richmond wrote:

> I wonder if, instead of doing /export snapshot from stack xxx/ you might
> not be better doing /export snapshot from card zzz/: my experience
> of doing the thing from the stack has not been altogether satisfactory .
> . . Oops . . .  haven't tried that since DreamCard 2.6 (remember
> that???): just tried /export snapshot from stack xxx/ and it "threw a
> bluey", so I don't know what you are doing.
> However, /export snapshot from card zzz/ does a perfectly respectable job.

Exporting a rect grabs the specified portion of the screen buffer, which 
will also include anything an external blitted to the window but of 
course is limited to the screen bounds.

Exporting an object will cause the object (and if it's a group or a card 
any interior objects) to be rendered into a new buffer, which will work 
regardless of where the source object is located (even off screen), but 
what an external may paint over the card isn't an object per se so LC's 
rendering engine has no way to create that when it generates into its 

If the external could be modified to use an image object as its output 
you'd have all sorts of flexibility for handling it.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at FourthWorld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com

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