Livecode all around the world

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Thu Nov 5 13:32:15 EST 2015

On Nov 5, 2015, at 10:20 , Matt Maier <blueback09 at<mailto:blueback09 at>> wrote:

The human-understandable symbols are arbitrary so the fact that Livecode's
symbols are derived from English words is missing the point. The symbol
"put" could be "123XYZ" for all the computer cares.

It's not the computer that is caring, it's the programmer.

The learning curve for
memorizing the symbols isn't all that much shorter when the symbols are
conceptually related to symbols you already know either.

That I find extremely difficult to accept. If I could *only* progam in LC in the German language, I would not be here today.

The hard part
about programming is learning to clarify your thinking using the tools
provided. Remembering the symbol associated with the tools is easy,
especially after you do it for a while and you really start to grok how
arbitrary the symbols are.

What I "grok" is that Livecode is especially easy for "the rest of us" developers *PRECICELY* because we don't have to learn a complex syntax. And by "we" I mean the english speaking among us. Switch to pictograms and I believe you will have killed Livecode. As far as other languages, if someone can develop a means to have an interpreter understand the "german-like" syntax of their code, or any other language -like syntax, all well and good.

But the real key is making the software understand us. Not the other way around. Those were the dark ages of computing. No one wants to go back there.

My 2¢
Bob S

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