QT/Win vulnerability and strutting Builder's stuff

Kevin Miller kevin at livecode.com
Wed Nov 4 15:38:51 EST 2015

Indeed, that is a big part of the point of all this work on the widget
architecture. Multimedia will of course be a widget and a lot of the
groundwork is now there with the work done for the browser. We can also do
other things very quickly now, like wrap the existing mobile controls you
create using syntax as widgets.

It seems my non-coding pensioner parents are finally getting the point of
widgets too. Tonight they came round to deliver some meals they had made
for me, with a dish labeled ³a widget of apple sauce, to be reused for
different meals².

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ kevin at livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
LiveCode: Everyone can create apps

On 04/11/2015 18:42, "use-livecode on behalf of Trevor DeVore"
<use-livecode-bounces at lists.runrev.com on behalf of
lists at mangomultimedia.com> wrote:

>On Wednesday, November 4, 2015, Richard Gaskin
><ambassador at fourthworld.com>
>> A new player-like control wouldn't need editable text, so if it's within
>> the scope of what Builder can do today perhaps it's not only a good use
>> case for showing off Builder but also knocks one of the most desirable
>> Kickstarter goals, yes?
>Hopefully the work that was done to create the browser widget in
>DP-8 laid the necessary foundation for the multimedia control. Given my
>(limited) understanding, it appears that displaying a browser in a widget
>and sending callbacks uses the same underlying widget features that
>displaying a media player would require. I could be at off though.
>Trevor DeVore
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