Browser Widget and loading local files?

JOHN PATTEN johnpatten at
Tue Nov 3 23:44:47 EST 2015

Hi All,

I just noticed that the browser widget in LiveCode 8 allows to set the visible of the widget. Is setting the visible possible in the previous CEFBrowser? I don’t think I had noticed that in the old browser object…

Also, are these widgets going to be compatible in iOS/Android too, and if so how would I set the browser to open a local file? 

Normally I would do a:

put revBrowserOpenCEF (the windowId of this stack, "file:" & specialFolderpath("documents") & "/PanoWeaverFinal/pano3/_html5/pano3.html") into sBrowserID 

…and it works. I tried different flavors of this in the browser widget with no success.

Thanks in advance!

John Patten 

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