Release 8.0.0 DP 8

Ali Lloyd ali.lloyd at
Tue Nov 3 11:13:06 EST 2015

Dear list members,

We are pleased to announce the release of LiveCode 8.0 DP 8.

Warning: this is not a stable release. Please ensure you back up your
stacks before testing them.

*Release contents*

*Browser Widget*
This feature introduces a new embeddable browser implemented as a widget,
making it much easier to use than the old revbrowser external.
To add a browser to your application, simply drag and drop the browser
widget onto your stack and set the properties you need.

The browser widget fulfils one of the Kickstarter goals, and also brings
JavaScript integration to iOS and Android for the first time.

Note: We recommend for the time being adding a browser widget to a stack
using the Object > New Widget menu, due to the known issue described below
with drag-drop from the tools palette.

*SSL Support for PostgreSQL Connections*
The PostgreSQL database driver has been updated to support secure
connections. The desired SSL connection options can be specified as key
value pairs in the additional parameters of revOpenDatabase.
For full information on the new parameters see the dictionary entry for

*Improved clipboard and drag-and-drop support*
It is now possible to put multiple types of data on the clipboard at the
same time. For example, you can put an image on the clipboard along with
text describing the image and some private data associated with the image.
For more information, see the "fullClipboardData" and "fullDragData"
entries in the dictionary.
For apps requiring more sophisticated clipboard functionality, new
"rawClipboardData" and "rawDragData" properties have also been added. These
provide low-level access to the system clipboard.

*Resize handles outside object rect*
The resize handles of a selected object are now outside the rect of the
object. Moreover the minimum width and height of an object when resizing
via handles has been removed.

*30 bug fixes*
You can find the list of bug fixes in the menu Help > Release Notes, or
from the download page referenced below.

*Known Issues*
- Cef Browser (and therefore the dictionary and browser widget) does not
currently work on 32-bit Linux
- HTML 5 standalones do not currently function when they contain extensions
with dependencies.
- The browser widget can cause delays and hangs, especially on Windows,
when dragged from the tools palette.
- Browser widget properties are not persistent.

We hope to address at least the latter two issues for the next release.

*Getting the release*
You can get the release at

LiveCode 8 is still in development so we’d love to hear any
feedback you have on it. There are a number of features that we’d like to
implement but aren’t ready yet and the existing features are subject to
change during development - we can’t guarantee that extensions written in
Developer Previews will continue to work the same way in later versions.

Please report any bugs encountered on our Bugzilla at

We have a forum available for discussing LiveCode Builder at

The LiveCode Team

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