Chromebook deployment...

Roger Eller roger.e.eller at
Mon Nov 2 17:03:30 EST 2015

I stand corrected, sorry.  I just created a new stack with Revolution 1.1
in Windows 7 (yes really), and the edges were resizable.  I may have
displaced my frustration, which was that earlier versions of OS X were
forcing me to use the corner when my virtualized Win XP (on the same
machine) was living life fancy free.

I agree with Richard that the menu mnemonics should be corrected / made to
act as other modern Win apps do.  So I still believe that Apple gets the
lions share of attention simply because it is the developers preference.
My experience in a corp environment is they will use the less expensive
computer wherever possible.  I don't see either situation changing.


On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 2:33 PM, Mark Wieder <mwieder at> wrote:

> On 11/02/2015 11:17 AM, Roger Eller wrote:
>> I only tried in LC 6.6.2 and then LC 7.0.1 (the only Mac versions I have
>> installed).  The sad thing (to me) is that even in Windows, I was forced
>> to
>> use the little corner resize thingie, even though EVERY OTHER application
>> had edge resizing.  It wasn't until Apple adopted the feature that it was
>> added to LC.  Runtime Revolution has always been way too Apple leaning
>> to be touting themselves to be cross-platform.
> It's not a LiveCode thing, it's an OS thing.
> I just punched up LC 4.6.4 and resized from the edges with no problems.
> Of course, I'm running a linux desktop, which does that natively.
> So it has nothing to do with the LC version, and everything to do with
> what the OS supports.
> --
>  Mark Wieder
>  ahsoftware at

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