help with timecode

Peter Bogdanoff bogdanoff at
Sat May 30 21:34:13 EDT 2015

Had some odd stuff...once again (600 is the timescale I was working with; you can find the timescale() with that function) :

on updateCurrTime
    put round(the currentTime of player "thePlayer" / 600) into theTime
     put theTime div 60 into theMin
     put theTime mod 60 into theSec
     if len(theSec) = 1 then put "0" & theSec into theSec
     put theMin & ":" & theSec into field "CurrTime"
     send "updateCurrTime" to me in 1 seconds
end updateCurrTime

> On May 30, 2015, at 11:16 AM, Peter Bogdanoff <bogdanoff at> wrote:
> on updateCurrTime
>     put round(the currentTime of player “thePlayer" 1005 / 600) into theTime
>      put theTime div 60 into theMin
>      put theTime mod 60 into theSec
>      if len(theSec) = 1 then put "0" & theSec into theSec
>      put theMin & ":" & theSec into field "CurrTime"
>      send "updateCurrTime" to me in 1 seconds
> end updateCurrTime

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