AW: AW: How do you handle the poor performance of LC 7?

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at
Sat May 30 14:01:02 EDT 2015

On 2015-05-30 19:33, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:
> I made some more performance benchmarks with my real life data
> I deactivated my "special sort" xSortListe handler and replaced it just 
> by:
> 1. sort lines of tListe numeric
> 2. sort lines of tListe international
> (though it is not a solution for my sorting feature, but just to drill 
> it down)
> LC 6.5.2, average times:
> My repeat loop: 14 millisecs
> plain Sort numeric: 3 millisecs
> plain Sort international: 128 millisecs
> LC 7.0.5, average times:
> My repeat loop: 55 millisecs (+393%)
> plain Sort numeric: 8 millisecs (+267%)
> plain Sort international: 4100 millisecs (+3203%)

Oh dear. That "sort international" performance is really not very good 
at all, is it?  I think we will need to address this soon!

I was going to suggest trying the following but perhaps it will not make 
much difference because it still uses "sort international"

function TiemoSort pList
    local tSorted, tLine, tNumeric, tAlpha

    repeat for each line tLine in pList
       if isNumber(first char of  tLine) then
          put tLine & return after tNumeric
          put tLine & return  after tAlpha
       end if
    end repeat

    sort tNumeric numeric
    sort tAlpha international

    return tAlpha & tNumeric
end TiemoSort

Thank you for sending your stack.  I hope it will enable us to deal with 
your problem promptly.  :-)


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at>
LiveCode Engine Development Team

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