[ANNOUNCE] "language-livecode" 0.3.0 for Atom editor

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at livecode.com
Fri May 29 06:54:52 EDT 2015

Hi all,

       == Atom language-livecode package 0.3.0 ==

The "language-livecode" package for the Atom editor (https://atom.io/) 
provides syntax highlighting and indentation support for editing 
LiveCode Builder (.lcb) source files.

== Installation

Install the "language-livecode" package from the Atom user interface.

== Notable changes in 0.3.0

* Add basic snippets for commonly-used blocks. These work with Atom's 
   built-in autocomplete support.
   * "if" and "if … else"
   * "repeat"
   * "handler"
   * "module", "library" and "widget"
* Minor syntax highlighting bugfix

== Reporting issues

Please report issues to 

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