Accursed backdrop

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Tue May 26 01:57:51 EDT 2015

On 05/25/2015 05:03 PM, Roger Eller wrote:
> Why only one machine is affected remains a mystery.  You can either uncheck
> the backdrop in the menu (one of the main menus I think, not prefs),

Thanks; found that.

>   or use
> the command - set the backdrop to empty.
> ~Roger
> On May 25, 2015 9:29 AM, "Richmond" <richmondmathewson at> wrote:
  What is perhaps more interesting is just how crappy the backdrop is:

1. The IDE loads with the backdrop.

2. I click on the messageBox icon in the revMenuBar stack:

2.1. The revMenuBar stack disappears, leaving me with nothing but a 
blank screen.

2.2. I start frantically clicking the blank screen.

2.3. After about 30 second the revMenuBar and the messageBox become visible.

This is a load of #$%^@& and needs to be sorted out:

1. Get rid of the backdrop completely.

2. If you are going to have a backdrop option make sure it ALWAYS stays 
at the back
     and does NOT obscure other things.

Just "for fun" I installed RevMedia 4.0.0 (as one does) and found that 
the backdrop there behaved as it should.


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