temporary stack files?

Tim Selander selander at tkf.att.ne.jp
Sat May 16 20:14:21 EDT 2015

With the advent of v.7 and 'just works' Unicode, I am making 
serious efforts at finally moving my company's HyperCard based 
programs over to Livecode. A lot of what we did 'way back has 
been ported to FileMaker, but I've got a couple of jobs that just 
wouldn't work in FM the way we wanted them to. All our data and 
interfaces are in Japanese.

I'm having a love-hate relationship with LC7 at this point. Some 
of it is very nice, very fast. I, like others, am having a lot of 
trouble with the GUI going suddenly slow, suddenly 
crashing/disappearing, etc.

I'm having one such issue now, that I would like to ask for 
collective help with. I set up a stack, imported a csv file of 
about 150,000 records as individual cards -- only about 9MB of 
data total -- and then 'saved' the stack.

The import took hours. OK. The save seems to have hung. Spinning 
beachball, 'Saving....' LC dialog stuck on screen, Mac reporting 
that LC is 'not responding.'

In the Finder, the stack shows a file size of a few kilobytes. 
But 9MB of data has been imported...

So, after this wordy intro...

Does LC7, like much other software, use temporary, pre-saved, 
files as the user manipulates things? If so, where are they? Can 
they be accessed? And is there any way to get that temporary file 
saved so that the hours of import time are not wasted?


Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

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