Kickstarter 2013 Revisited

Lynn Fredricks lfredricks at
Mon May 11 01:30:34 EDT 2015

> I'm curious -- what percentage of the apps in the iOS or 
> Android app stores would you say require unicode? I'm 
> familiar with the iOS US app store, not Android or any of the 
> international versions. My impression is that in the US there 
> are very few apps that use unicode.

I wouldn't venture a guess. 

iOS is the odd ball in that it represents not only the platform itself, but
also the means of delivery (with the exception of the weirdness Apple has
implemented for iOS corporate applications). With the exception of early
adopter types and very specific vertical markets, consumer software buyers
are extremely reluctant to buy something in a language they cannot

The US market for applications is dependent on applications with UI's in
English; the lack of multi-lingual support even if not used acts as a
disqualifer to sales.

Don't underestimate the effect of disqualifiers. No Unicode support is a
massive disqualifier.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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