Kickstarter 2013 Revisited

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sun May 10 14:52:43 EDT 2015

Terence Heaford wrote:

 > 1. Will all user interface objects be widgets?

Eventually but not initially.

 > 2. Will LiveCode only provide a limited set of UI widgets?

It's expected to be a superset of what's available now. Whether or not 
that constitutes "limited" depends on how you define that.

 > 3. Will the community/Other developers provide the remainder?

I would imagine the number of widgets from the community as a whole will 
eventually be orders of magnitude larger than any single company can 

 > 4. Will widgets be provided by others at a Cost($£$£$£)?

Like all software, it depends on the developer.  Some will likely be 
open source, others proprietary, and some dual-licensed.

 > 5. Will the widget system be licensable to allow a purchase system?

I don't know if the purchasing will be handled within LiveCode itself or 
at their Web site, so they'll have to answer that.

 > 6. Will all widgets free/£$£$£$ be available to LC Community Edition?

Like all software, it depends on the developer.

 > I have asked similar questions before but never had an answer.

I'm sorry I missed it. I've been answering questions very similar to 
these here and in the forums for some time.

 > This raises the conspiracy theorist in me. It would be a little
 > disconcerting if you contributed (£$£$£$) to making livecode open
 > source only to be locked out of the widget system and for LC to only
 > provide a limited set of UI Objects.

Everything in the GPL-governed Community Edition will remain free of 
charge in addition to being free as in freedom.

LiveCode has been open source for more than two years now, and Kevin has 
stated many times that his intention is to maintain the feature parity 
we've seen thus far between Commercial and Community, with the exception 
of those features which may be incompatible with the GPL such as 
password-protecting scripts.

 > A clear concise answer would be good.

I've done my best with what I know.

  Richard Gaskin
  LiveCode Community Manager
  richard at

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