Strange Characters...

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Thu May 7 14:19:58 EDT 2015

On 07/05/15 16:47, John Dixon wrote:
> Now that we have unicode that 'just works' ?!

Every time I come across anything that claims  it 'just works' I laugh 
my socks off.

> CAn someone tell me what I am doing wrong, or even better what to do now as what used to work for me doesn't anymore...:-(  Using the lines below, I make a request to a datbase through an .lc script...The result is returned to temp..
>     put "" & thelanguage into tURL
>     put URL tURL into temp

What has that to do with Unicode?

> If there are any accents and other strange characters then garbage is returned.... Can someone tell me what to do ?
> _______________________________________________
------------------ Alcoholic instruction follows 

About half a litre of red wine from the Перущица vineyard of the father 
of two kids I teach, whose
main job is as a garage mechanic! Why the flying "fudge" the man cannot 
make a living from such wine, instead of
getting oily, I just don't know: autres moeurs, autres coeurs, je pense.

Let's see how the Use-List deals with Перущица, let alone LiveCode.

Enter the town's name in Google Maps to see where you have to go for 
LiveCode realisations on the next level.

Frankly, "put URL tURL into temp" gives me the willies, so I'm going to 
PUT the thing into a field:

on mouseUp
"" & 
thelanguage into tURL
    put URL tURL into fld "downbye"
end mouseUp

and I got NO "garbage" at all, but the proper HTML stuff:

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This is with LC 7.0.4 on Linux: so I don't really know what all the fuss 
is about - perhaps it comes from using 'temp'.


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