Speed on Android

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Sat Mar 21 18:41:18 EDT 2015

On 3/21/2015 5:24 PM, Ralph DiMola wrote:
> I just open the remote database like this==> put revOpenDatabase("mysql",
> "YourDomain.on-rev.com", "DatabaseName" ,"Username" ,"Password" ,,,,true)
> into DBID
> Note there is no"http://"

Yes, I misspoke. There's no "http" in the database path, it's like yours:

   put "accountname.on-rev.com" into tDatabaseAddress
   put "xxx" into tDatabaseName
   put "yyyy" into tDatabaseUser
   put "passwdxx" into tDatabasePassword
   put revOpenDatabase("MySQL", tDatabaseAddress, tDatabaseName, 
tDatabaseUser, tDatabasePassword) into tID

I get an ID back. When I issue commands, I also get database data back. 
Then I have to wait 10-15 seconds until the app unfreezes.

Every database call in the scripts is surrounded by a command to open 
the database, get data, close the database. It used to not always close 
the connection, but I added all the closures to see if it would help. 
Neither way makes any difference.

I shouldn't have said "http", I should have said "sockets". I think 
what's happening is a socket timeout. Even though LC says there is no 
socket support on mobile, there must be something under the hood if it 
is communicating with a server.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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