Speaking of modals...
Bob Sneidar
bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Fri Mar 20 16:56:23 EDT 2015
I take this back. I had a bug in my unModal handler. Turns out this works a peach! I have a front script with this handler in it:
on unModal theStack
lock messages
save stack theStack
close stack theStack
open stack theStack
unlock messages
end unModal
I then have a Debug menu in the moralized stack which has this in the menuPick:
on menuPick pWhich
switch pWhich
case "Demodalize"
put the short name of this stack into thisStack
unmodal thisStack
end switch
end menuPick
Bob S
> On Mar 20, 2015, at 13:50 , Bob Sneidar <bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com> wrote:
> To answer my own question, don’t try to close a stack then reopen it while opened modally. It will hard lock Livecode. I’m wondering if there is a property of a stack that can be set then.
> Bob S
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