Denormalising CSV tables

Keith Clarke keith.clarke at
Sun Mar 15 07:40:23 EDT 2015

Is there a ‘smart’ way to denormalise ‘child' & ‘parent' CSV tables extracted from an RDBMS in LiveCode or is it down to iterating through lists using chunk functions?

I have four tables, related in the database as Child-Parent-GrandParent-GreatGrandParent. Each file has its own record ID & the ID of its direct parent. I need to create a ‘DenormalisedChild' file with GrandParent & GreatGrandParent IDs appended to each row.  

I’m currently assuming the only way forward is to build a tDenormalisedChild variable by repeated iteration at each ‘level’:
Iterating through lines of the Child file to compare its ChildParentId with each row in the the Parent file, until ParentRowId = ChildParentId; 
Repeat (1) on Parent file rows to find ParentGrandParent values; 
Repeat (1) on GrandParent file rows to get GreatGrandParent values

Is their a more efficient approach?

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