RunRev 2015

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Mar 7 16:32:08 EST 2015

On 3/7/2015 2:33 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

> Yeah. I would almost say
> <heresy>
> don't bother going to the conference itself, just book a hotel room
> and hang out after hours. The f2f time with people is what draws me,
> and I've never been disappointed.
> </heresy>

I miss half the talks anyway because I get sidetracked in the hallways 
talking geek with people, and I forget what time it is. The one-to-one 
is almost always more productive for me, so I don't mind.

It is so great to hang out with like-minded people, I never have as much 
fun as I do there. You just can't have conversations like those with 
anyone else, your other friends will look at you like you're nuts.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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