Quantum tunneling in LiveCode

dunbarx at aol.com dunbarx at aol.com
Mon Mar 2 16:38:17 EST 2015


What Paul said.

This would be easy for old HC people, since the background group is like a HC backGround, and is higher in the hierarchy (sorry, Jacque) than a card.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Hibbert <paul at livecode.org>
To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>
Sent: Mon, Mar 2, 2015 4:34 pm
Subject: Re: Quantum tunneling in LiveCode

Because you set the backgroundBehavior of the "strange group" to true, it's 
effectively after the card in the message path. There's a good explanation and 
diagram in chapter 5.2.3 (p.127-9) of the user guide.



> On Mar 2, 2015, at 1:07 PM, stgoldberg at aol.com wrote:
> In quantum mechanics something can be in more than one place at once.  A 
paradox of sorts seems to occur in the message chain with groups in LiveCode. 
Try this:
> 1.  Place a button on a card.
> 2.  Make the button a group. Set the group's backgroundBehavior to true.
> 3.  Place the following script in the button:
> on mouseUp
>  answer "I am a button"
>  pass mouseUp
> end mouseUp
> 4.  Place the following script in the group:
> on mouseUp
>  answer "I am a strange group"
>  pass mouseUp
> end mouseUp
> 5.  On the card script write:
> on mouseUp
>  answer "I am a card"
>  pass mouseUp
> end mouseUp
> 6.  In the stack script write:
> on mouseUp
>  answer "I am a stack"
> end mouseUp
> 7. Now click on the button.  You get the sequence:
> I am a button --> I am a strange group --> I am a card --> I am a stack
> 8.  Now click on the card.  You get:
> I am a card --> I am a strange group
> Where is the strange group, before or after the card?
> Stephen Goldberg
> www.medmaster.net
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