"wait until" or "repeat until" (with a wait) for modal dialog wait?

Ray ray at linkit.com
Sat Jun 13 13:05:54 EDT 2015

Do you think maybe it's the idleRate?

On 6/13/2015 7:03 PM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:
> I am writing my own modal replacement for answer for a variety of reasons
> Once I have a modal stack/card set up, there isn't anything to do but wait
> for it.
> I could use either
> repeat until the retVal of me is not empty
>     wait 10 milliseconds with messages
> next repeat
> or I could use
> wait until the retVal of me is not empty
> But is the wait until going to spike the cpu?   the dictionary states that
> to evaluates "continuously"--but how continuously is continuously?
> And will this be system dependent?

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