Thousands Separators

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Tue Jul 28 17:47:51 EDT 2015


I commented awhaaay back in Revolution 2 times how neat it would be to have a numberFormat property for fields, so that the stored value was one thing (a number) and the display value was another. Otherwise reading data into and out of databases requires a de-format and re-format function for dates, times and numbers.

I already have a formatDate() and formatTime() function. Why you ask? Because there are date and time formats that LC does not accomodate, such as sql datetime. But to be able to assign a format to a field, especially a datagrid column would save a lot of time and work.

Bob S

On Jul 28, 2015, at 06:59 , Richard Gaskin <ambassador at<mailto:ambassador at>> wrote:

It's of course very useful that we have a community able and willing to share handler for things like number formatting.

But stepping back to look at the big picture, I find myself wondering:

Why is that even necessary?

Why isn't that just a field property, e.g. "the displayFormat"?

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