Drawing a Graphice Segment

BNig bernd.niggemann at uni-wh.de
Mon Jul 27 14:58:00 EDT 2015

Mike Bonner wrote
> Also, Bernd,  your stack works great for me.  I tried opaque pixels with
> my
> original stack here and.. can't make it work. So I copied your script over
> in its entirety to my original stack and.. It doesn't work. You could say
> i'm a mite confused! (I did remark out the code that fills your extra
> field)
> I think i'm going to beat my head against a wall for a bit.

Mike, it is probably the setting of the stroke gradient of the pie segments
that keeps it from working because I just added "opaque" to your code.

have a look at the stroke gradients of the pie segments in my version of
your stack.

Kind regards

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