Underscore uncomment bug in OSX
Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 10:13:50 EDT 2015
Here's the workaround that I have been using, in case others find it useful. I put it into a controlkeydown handler in my LC frontscript. All my script shortcuts use control-shift-<key>. The command doUndoSpace types a space and then deletes it, to make sure LC knows that editing has been done and the script needs re-checking. This may not be necessary in later LC versions (I operate still in 5.5 -- I know, I'm a dinosaur). So control-shift-<underscore> comments out a line or lines, control-shift-= uncomments a line or lines.
on controlkeydown which
put the long name of the target into tarName
put the shiftkey is down into shK
switch which
case "-"
case "_" -- comment out the line -- until Rev fixes the commandkey shortcut
if not shK then pass controlkeydown
if "field" is not in tarName then pass controlkeydown
if "revNewScriptEditor" is not in tarName then pass controlkeydown
put the selectedLine into tLineCh
put "-" & "-" into cmntChars
if " to " is in tLineCh then
put word 2 of tLineCh into stLineNbr
put word 4 of tLineCh into endLineNbr
repeat with n = stLineNbr to endLineNbr
put "put cmntChars & space before word 1 of line" && n && "of" && tarName \
into theDo
do theDo
end repeat
-- put scriptLinesText into line stLineNbr to endLineNbr of the target
put endLineNbr into selectHere
put word 2 of tLineCh into lineNbr
put the long name of the target into tLongName
put sr(line lineNbr of the target) into tLineText
do "put cmntChars & space before word 1 of" && tLineCh
put lineNbr into selectHere
end if
send "tabkey" to tarname -- to fix indenting
select after line selectHere of the target
case "="
case "+" -- uncomment the line -- until Rev fixes the commandkey shortcut
if not shK then pass controlkeydown
if "field" is not in tarName then pass controlkeydown
if "revNewScriptEditor" is not in tarName then pass controlkeydown
put the selectedLine into tLineCh
if " to " is in tLineCh then
put word 2 of tLineCh into stLineNbr
put word 4 of tLineCh into endLineNbr
put line stLineNbr to endLineNbr of target into scriptLinesText
repeat with n = 1 to the number of lines of scriptLinesText
put sr(line n of scriptLinesText) into tLineText
if char 1 to 2 of tLineText = "-" & "-"
then delete char 1 to 2 of tLineText
put tLineText into line n of scriptLinesText
end repeat
put scriptLinesText into line stLineNbr to endLineNbr of the target
put sr(value(tLineCh)) into tLineText
if char 1 to 2 of tLineText = "-"&"-" then
delete char 1 to 2 of tLineText
do "put tLineText into" && tLineCh
end if
end if
send "tabkey" to tarname
pass controlkeydown
end switch
end controlkeydown
private command doUndoSpace
-- this solves the problem that after the above scripted operations
-- the script editor remains unaware that the script has changed,
-- so an <enterkey> will close but not save the changed script
-- thus we have to *type* at least one character
lock screen
put the selectedText into selTxt
type numToChar(32) -- the important step
put word 4 of the selectedChunk into charNbr
put selTxt into char charNbr of the target
unlock screen
end doUndoSpace
function sr pText
return word 1 to -1 of pText
end sr
On Jul 23, 2015, at 6:30 AM, Alan Stenhouse wrote:
> The uncomment keyboard shortcut has never worked for me either, would love if it did.
> Interestingly, after someone posted about holding open the menu and then trying it, it does work. Haven’t investigated further though.
> Wonder if it’s possibly related to having multiple keyboard languages available.
> Was surprised to hear from many that it works fine for them…!! Thought that it was again, one of those things…
> cheers
> Alan
> On 23 Jul 2015, at 12:00 pm, use-livecode-request at lists.runrev.com wrote:
>> I normally work on a 2009 iMac, but I?ve just installed LC 7.1.0(dp1) on my 2015 MacBook Pro and it?s doing exactly the same as the iMac, i.e. it doesn?t work correctly and adding the system shortcut is only a partial workaround. The MBP is also on OS X 10.10.4.
>> I?ll head over to the bug report now.
>> Paul
>>> On Jul 22, 2015, at 17:59, Jerry Jensen <jhj at jhj.com> wrote:
>>> Oh thank you Paul! I am not crazy (well, not about that anyway!). What model computer are you using?
>>> Yes, please add this to the comments in the bug report. I do think it will help.
>>> .Jerry
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