list field not getting arrowkey msg

BNig bernd.niggemann at
Wed Jul 22 06:10:31 EDT 2015

Mike Bonner wrote
> Very weird.  I can't get arrow keys to work with any list field if the
> selection is empty.  But hey, all that matters is that it works.

Hi Mike,

could you try this on a list field with a hilited line and either a second
field that can get focus or no other field/control that can get focus and
test if the arrowkeys work?

put this code into the script of the list field

on focusIn -- when tabbing into field
end focusIn

-- in case of tab but no other field/control gets focus, i.e. field is only
focusable object beside card
on focusOut 
   send "checkWhoIsFocused" to me in 10 milliseconds
end focusOut

on checkWhoIsFocused -- restore selection after tabbing while in only
focusable object
   if the focusedObject = the long id of me then 
   end if
end checkWhoIsFocused

on activateLine
   put the hilitedLine of me into tHilitedLine
   if tHilitedLine <> "" then select line tHIlitedLine of me
end activateLine

Kind regards


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