A question for Windows specialists
Mark Schonewille
m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Wed Jul 15 12:30:44 EDT 2015
Do you give the standalone sufficient time to complete the start-up? For
slightly bigger projects, I do this:
on preOpenStack
hide this stack
send "initiateProject" to me in 2 seconds
end preOpenStack
on initateProject
// do everything else here,
// e.g. loading data from a server
end inititateProject
The message may often be sent in 0 seconds, but sometimes it is useful
to wait a short time before continuing the start-up sequence.
Once the start-up sequence has finished, you may want to check that
libUrl is available.
function libUrlAvailable
put the backscripts into myScripts
repeat for each line myButton in myScripts
if the short name of myButton contains "revLibUrl" then
return true
end if
end repeat
return false
end libUrlAvailable
If libUrlAvailable is false, you know where the culprit is. If
libUrlAvailable is true, you can still check the result after each put
URL request.
put url myUrl into myData
put the result into rslt
put it into myData
if rslt is not empty then
answer error rslt
end if
All the above should at least give some clues about whether the problem
is in the standalone or with the internet connection.
It is also a very good idea to handle errors:
on errorDialog theErr
answer error theErr
end errorDialog
You could parse theErr if you like, e.g. with errorLib, but usually the
numbers already give a clue as to where to look for the problem.
Best regards,
Mark Schonewille
Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Homepage: http://economy-x-talk.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/xtalkprogrammer
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On 7/15/2015 16:38, jbv at souslelogo.com wrote:
> Hello list
> One of my clients has a recurring problem with a standalone I built for them.
> At startup a serie of lists of various data are loaded from a remote
> server and
> a progress bar shows the loading. And then these data are used in various
> ways
> in the app.
> For a couple of weeks, at startup the progressbar speeds up much faster than
> usual and most of the lists of data aren't loaded. Actually a couple of
> them only
> are randomly loaded. This happens on 2 PCs (Win 7 and XP) connected to the
> same adsl line. Other people use the same app on similar versions of windows
> in different offices and with different internet connexions and never met
> the problem.
> I did myself several tests on Win 7 and XP and everything runs fine.
> The client is located 500 km away, so every ettempt to fix is done by phone.
> We have disabled the antivirus software, checked for a firewall, restarted
> the PCs
> several times, but to no avail...
> So finally here's the question : what else should we check ?
> Thanks in advance for any wise suggestion.
> jbv
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