Script to Generate Concurrent Times

Peter Haworth pete at
Fri Jan 16 12:30:21 EST 2015

If, by chance, an SQLite database is involved in your application, its
strftime() function has a lot of very powerful date adjustment/conversion
tools which might help.

Even without an SQLite database in an application, I sometimes create an in
memory database just so I can issue SELECT statements to calculate dates
and times.

lcSQL Software <>
Home of lcStackBrowser <> and
SQLiteAdmin <>

On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 7:02 PM, Brahmanathaswami <brahma at> wrote:

> Roger Eller wrote:
>> So that's where the old saying, "your singing would bring a jersey cow to
>> tears" comes from.<g>
> LOL!
> Hmmm back on topic:
> Requirement: Generate current time list for a *future* time (for scheduled
> webinar)
> OK,  so it is easy enough to get world time from the linux system.
> and FYI: LC "internet date" is, happily, using the standard RFC 2822
> format  and we can invoke this also in the shell:
>  -R, --rfc-2822
>               output  date  and time in RFC 2822 format.  Example: Mon, 07
> Aug
>               2006 12:34:56 -0600
> Check it out now
> -----------
> ?lc
> # copied the list from html source at:
> #  <
> put url "file:/home/devhap/public_html/tests/zones.txt" into tZones
> repeat for each line x in tZones
>      set the itemdel to "/"
>          if (the number of items of x) = 1 then
>              put x into tCity
>          else
>               put item 2 of x into tCity
>          end if
>       put x into $TZ
>       put shell("date -R") into tDTstring
>       put tCity&  ": "&  tDTstring&  "<br />" after tWorldTimes
> end repeat
>      put tWorldTimes
> -----------------
> but that doesn't actually meet my requirement.
> Sure: We get all the times to answer "what time is it now?"
> But what if I want to a future time e.g. February 1, 1:30PM HST
> and get a list of all dates/times across the globe that are concurrent
> with that future date/time?
> Maybe I'll ask that on Expert's Exchange... man timezone isn't getting me
> anything.
> I suppose one algorithm using LC native timedate conversion tools could be.
> (the future date in seconds) - (Current time in seconds local time) =
> advanceToFutureIncrement
> repeat for each concurrent time for now for all cities
>     put (city[x] Time Right Now) + advanceToFutureIncrement  into
> tFutureWebinarTimeInCity[x]
>     put tFutureWebinarTimeInCity[x]  &  "<br />" after
> tListOfNextWebinarTimes
> end repeat
> of course the above needs a bit more code, but not much more...
>  Brahmanathaswami
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