How to show the Windows 8 on screen keyboard in LiveCode?

Ralf Bitter rabit at
Wed Jan 14 11:47:39 EST 2015

Shouldn't the on screen keyboard of Windows 8 tablets pop up automatically
on touching a text input control?
A client who installed a standalone built with LiveCode 6.7.1 on a Toshiba tablet
reports that the soft keyboard doesn't show up tapping a text input field.

Thought that, as a workaround, one possibly could start the keyboard exe
using launch or shell() like:

launch "C:/Program Files/Common Files/microsoft shared/ink/TabTip.exe"
yields "not opened"


get shell("start C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\TabTip.exe")
yields "The file "C:/Program" could not be found."


get shell("start tabtip.exe")
yields "The file "tabtip.exe" could not be found."

Double checked the paths but all this fails, though start tabtip.exe definitely works from
the Windows command shell in contrast to
start C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\TabTip.exe.

So, how do others show the on screen keyboard on Windows 8 tablets from
LiveCode standalones? Any insights appreciated.


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