LiveCode 6 and making standalone

René Micout rene.micout at
Wed Jan 14 04:19:54 EST 2015

> Le 13 janv. 2015 à 18:07, René Micout <rene.micout at> a écrit :
> Hello everybody,
> Macintosh Yosemite.
> When I construct a standalone with LiveCode 6, I choose “Move substacks into individual stackfiles” (for saving data in substack)
> this works with LC 6.6.3 > In the /Contents/MacOS/ of my application (ctrl + clic) I have 1 file (exec) + several stacks (substacks)
> but when I do the same thing with LC 6.6.4, 6.6.5, 6.7, 6.7.1 (rc 4) I have only 1 file (exec) and my application cannot save any data.
> Why ?

I finally found my stack files : /Contents/Resources/_MacOS/…
But my application don’t works correctly. It went crazy…
It is the same stack, but after “standaloned” it is another application.

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