replaceText problem

Peter Haworth pete at
Fri Jan 2 21:41:09 EST 2015

I'm adding a check for breakpoint commands to my build procedures.
Basically check through the command of every script and issue the following

replaceText(pScript,"(^\s*breakpoint$"," ")

It looks for some number of space at the start of a line, followed by the
word breakpoint, then the end of the line

I've tried the regex in a regex test program I have which also allows
replacement and it works fine.

However the first time it is executed in my script, I get a runtime error

(Object: property is not an integer) near "-8"

I've tried replacing the space-within-quotes in the replacement string with
empty, even left the replacement string out completely but same error.

Also tried a matchText command with the same regex and it works fine.

Grateful for any ideas on what might be causing this.
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