iOS app rejection issue

Jeff Brindle jgbrindle at
Thu Feb 5 22:08:00 EST 2015

Apparently that is an error in the current RCs (7.0.2 and 6.7).  I ran into the same thing and the devs have confirmed that they are fixing it. I asked Heather by support email and apparently there is a new version coming in a day or so. Frustrating I know.


Cheers, Jeff Brindle
0428 523 590

> On 6 Feb 2015, at 1:52 pm, Gerry <gerry.orkin at> wrote:
> Hi all
> I’ve just submitted an app to Apple using LC 6.7.2 (rc 2) and the latest version of xCode (6.1.1). That xCode version is the only one set in the mobile prefs for LiveCode. The app build requirement is set to iOS 8 or later. 
> I’m getting the following error messages back from Apple with the requirement that I fix the problem before submitting again. I have no idea what the problem is - can anyone help?:
> Minimum OS Version Mismatch - The minimum OS version (LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS) in the binary ('4.3') for architecture ('armv7') differs from the MinimumOSVersion ('8.0') in the Info.plist.
> Minimum OS Version Mismatch - The minimum OS version (LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS) in the binary ('7.0') for architecture ('arm64') differs from the MinimumOSVersion ('8.0') in the Info.plist.
> Cheers
> Gerry
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