Player Object in HTML 5?

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at
Fri Dec 18 03:55:18 EST 2015

Hi Peter,

On 18/12/2015 02:21, Peter Bogdanoff wrote:
> I was messing with the HTML 5 Create Standalone in my project today. I got it to load in Safari from my local drive and I could change cards and see graphics load, objects hide and show, etc. It’s great!

I'm really glad that your experiments are going well!

> My player control, however, would not load a remote audio file. Are player objects implemented yet? And even more important for me, are callbacks based on millisecond timers going to work?

The player control isn't yet supported in the HTML5 engine.  I believe 
it will be possible to get it to work, probably, but unfortunately I 
don't expect to have enough development time to get it working before 
LiveCode 8.0 release.

Very short interval timers can't be made to work reliably in JavaScript, 
as far as I know.  As I understand it (supported by the experiments I've 
done), browsers have an internal rendering framerate (usually aiming for 
whatever your monitor refresh rate is), and check & run JavaScript 
timers at each frame.  On the bright side, that should work just fine 
for animation purposes!


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at>
LiveCode Open Source Team

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