Stacks Losing their Size and Location

Peter M. Brigham pmbrig at
Thu Dec 17 15:47:10 EST 2015

On Dec 16, 2015, at 6:01 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

> If I then close the laptop window, come back to work, hook up the external moitor again and open a stack that had been open before when just using the laptop monitor, the location of the new window is partially off screen! That means the title bar is not accessible, and therefore not draggable. 

Here's a routine I have in my library that allows scrolling of a window that is partially offscreen, might come in handy for this kind of problem. Option[alt]- scroll to move the stack.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at


on scrollStack pStackRef, pDirection
   -- allows moving a stack window up, down, left, or right with the scrollwheel
   --    or trackpad
   -- pDirection can be "up | down | left | right" or the raw keycode
   --    for the scrollwheel output
   -- use this for stack windows that are larger than your screen size
   -- implement with the rawkeydown handler -- q.v.
   --    ([shift-]option-scroll scrolls stack)
   -- by Peter M. Brigham, pmbrig at — freeware
   -- requires rawkeydown
   -- put this handler and the rawkeydown handler into a stack script
   put 10 into speedParam
   -- adjust this if you want
   put the loc of stack pStackRef into startingLoc
   put startingLoc into newLoc
   switch pDirection
      case "up"
      case "65308"
         subtract speedParam from item 2 of newLoc
      case "down"
      case "65309"
         add speedParam to item 2 of newLoc
      case "left"
      case "65310"
         subtract speedParam from item 1 of newLoc
      case "right"
      case "65311"
         add speedParam to item 1 of newLoc
   end switch
   move stack pStackRef from startingLoc to newLoc
end scrollStack

on rawkeydown pKey
   -- allows moving a stack window up, down, left, or right
   --    with scrollwheel or trackpad
   -- hold the option[alt]key down and scroll:
   --    scrollwheel: option-scroll for up/down, shift-option-scroll for left/right
   --    trackpad: option-scroll up/down/left/right
   -- use this for stack windows that are larger than your screen size
   -- by Peter M. Brigham, pmbrig at — freeware
   -- requires scrollStack
   -- put this handler and the scrollStack handler into a stack script
   put the long id of stack (the mousestack) into tStackRef
   switch pKey
      case 65308 -- up
      case 65309 -- down
      case 65310 -- left
      case 65311 -- right
         if the optionkey is up then pass rawkeydown
         scrollStack tStackRef, pKey
         pass rawkeydown
         -- or add cases to handle other keys
   end switch
end rawkeydown

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