Midnite-Rises - Images with transparent "see through" areas

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 01:59:19 EST 2015

On 16/12/15 04:23, Brahmanathaswami wrote:
> I've been studying that graphic novel that is touted as a testimony 
> for LiveCode's platform: Midnite Rises, teaser/trailer for the game by 
> the same name.
> The underlying principles for delivery seem simple enough. It looks 
> like two or three 2D images are on layers and as you swipe slowly, the 
> algorithm is to move the top layer left to right (or right to left) at 
> a higher speed (say 3x) than the second layer (which moves at 2x) and 
> the first/background layer (which moves at 1 x)
> This gives the fascinating illusion of depth, although each layer is 
> pure simple 2D illustration. The transparent areas of the top layers 
> reveal background image objects, very similar to the human visual 
> experience if we move left to right... very cool
> 1) Is my assumption correct that these are just three images on top of 
> each other on an LC card?
> 2) If so, how does one set up the transparent "look through" areas of 
> these images?
> Seems this is a "thing" now... as lots of displays and web sites built 
> for mobile are doing this same algorithm -- top layer with 
> transparency moves quickly, underlying layers that "show through" move 
> at a different rate(s)
> Brahmanathaswami

I would suppose that the see-through bits are because the layers are 
made using GIMP or Photoshop, with
see-through areas, and saved as GIF or PNG images, and then imported 
into LiveCode.

This isn't particularly difficult.


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