Script-only stacks [was: Re: Script Editor future]
Monte Goulding
monte at
Sat Aug 29 19:28:08 EDT 2015
> On 30 Aug 2015, at 8:24 am, Peter TB Brett <peter.brett at> wrote:
> I *think* Mark will be back in the office on Monday, so he'll probably see this exchange
> At the moment I usually treat normal stacks and script-only stacks as totally different things. I think of normal stacks as places for UI and trivial glue code, and script-only stacks as places for complex handler libraries and behaviours. They have different filenames too (.livecode vs .livecodescript). My instinct is that adding a way to switch a stack back and forth between normal and script-only isn't very intuitive, and could cause "dire consequences" as you suggest. On the other hand, having a *read only* scriptOnly property (or some equivalent) sounds like it could be pretty useful.
The only use case I could think of for making it a writable property was for the standalone builder to support password protecting them by making them stacks but you could work around this by supporting password protection on script only stacks I guess or as Ali suggests just copy from one stack to the other, delete the original from memory and then set the name and save… Mind you we can do dangerous things with our code all the time so I don’t really think we need an nanny for this one... just some docs.
>>> Or just submit a PR on GitHub, that'll make sure it doesn't get forgotten about. ;-)
>> I actually had some PRs that were forgotten about although I think
>> both of them have now or will in the future at least become irrelevant
>> because of widgets.
> Oops, sorry. I shouldn't let these things slip through the cracks. It's a lot easier now that there's a defined process for accepting contributions! The processes for community contributors and LiveCode employees are now pretty much the same -- the only two differences are that 1) we still can't accept binary stack changes directly (sorry :-/) and 2) employees don't have to sign the CLA.
> If you've got some PRs that have been overlooked about but which are still relevant, let me know and I'll try and make sure they get looked at...
It was very early days. Well before Peter so don’t worry ;-)
I think they were closed when the multiple develop branches thing happened and I didn’t bother to reopen because they already seemed no longer relevant unless there’s still folks that think custom controls have a future in a widgets world...
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