JSON, URL-encode, and UTF-8

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Thu Aug 20 19:35:49 EDT 2015

On 8/20/2015 6:32 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:
>> On 21 Aug 2015, at 9:29 am, Monte Goulding
>> <monte at sweattechnologies.com> wrote:
>> That’s a good question. I can’t see anything wrong with the JSON
>> itself after reviewing the file. Validates and formats fine in
>> TextMate. Are you sure they want post and not get or put?
> Hmm… I just remembered you said it works in 6 and not 7. Perhaps it’s
> not something simple after all but try not setting the header
> first...

Right. Works without header in 6, fails in 7. Thanks for looking at my 
file. I wonder what would happen if I use the LC 6 libURL script in LC 
7. Will my unicode go all wonky? The file I sent you is in English but 
most of the time it won't be.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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