BAF and other things - I am confused...

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at
Tue Aug 18 11:05:59 EDT 2015

On 2015-08-18 14:57, Roger Eller wrote:
>> I recommend working through the step-by-step guide that Georgia wrote:
>> It's quite easy to follow and it's a great intro to LiveCode Builder.
> That is a great intro, but where are the details of the language?  
> Since
> you "draw" with commands as in #5, how do you draw other shapes / 
> objects,
> and set their attributes?

If you go into the Dictionary in LiveCode 8:

* use the menu at the top left to select the "LiveCode Builder" 
* click on "library" on the left
* select "com.livecode.canvas" from the list

You will rewarded by a very long and comprehensive list of syntax 
related to drawing.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at>
LiveCode Engine Development Team

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