How to minimize delay when playing an audio clip

Mike Bonner bonnmike at
Sat Aug 15 15:08:21 EDT 2015

Nevermind. Can't make it work.  Setting the playloudness works globally,
whether sounds are currently active or not, but setting audioclip loudness
only works while the clip is NOT playing.  Player object, here I come.
Sorry for talking to myself here.  Back down the rabbit hole.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 12:39 PM, Mike Bonner <bonnmike at> wrote:

> DOH. NEvermind.  Use the ID of the clip.  Reading the dictionary. A useful
> skill I need to develop
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 12:37 PM, Mike Bonner <bonnmike at> wrote:
>> Found a method that works with audioclips, as long as I only need to play
>> 1.  Rather than starting and stopping it, I set the playloudness to 0 or
>> 100 and just leave it looping. (it doesn't appear that the playloudness can
>> be set for individual clips.)
>> Will try with players instead since using only 1 sound effect is a bit
>> unrealistic.
>> Thanks!
>> On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 11:52 AM, Mike Bonner <bonnmike at> wrote:
>>> I have an audio clip that I'm using as a sound effect.  I try to trigger
>>> the play start FIRST in my game loop, but no matter what methods I try
>>> (even breaking it out of the game loop itself) there is a pretty hefty lag
>>> time before it starts playing.  Enough so that its possible to have an
>>> event happen, and stop the play of the clip before it ever starts.
>>> I don't think i'm having issues with a bound cpu, I think 'play
>>> audioclip "myclip" looping' is just that slow.  If I hold the key down, it
>>> works fine, animation keeps up, and stop is pretty much instantaneous.  Is
>>> there a way to get this working better?  I'll try with an actual player
>>> next, but I thought having the clip as part of the stack would provide the
>>> best results.
>>> Also, a quick question..  I assume there is no way to modify the tone of
>>> a clip on the fly?  IE: Simulate doppler shift..

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