Extracting a reference to a stack

David Bovill david at viral.academy
Sat Aug 8 20:43:50 EDT 2015

Yes - you're right. The long name is the only case and like you I only use
long ids in the use cases I have. Except when I store references when I use
the ruggedID handler of the IDE - that should be a native reference I think?

On Sunday, August 9, 2015, Richard Gaskin <ambassador at fourthworld.com>

> David Bovill wrote:
> > Richard Gaskin wrote:
> > >> function ObjectStack pObj
> > >>    return char (offset(" of stack ", pObj)+4) to -1 of pObj
> > >> end ObjectStack
> >
> > The test case would be "this is a stack of rubish" as a substack -
> > that would break your code?
> It would have to be "this is a of stack of rubbish" - but even then it
> wouldn't break since the long ID of the object would be:
>   button id 1003 of card id 1002 of stack "this is of stack of rubbish"
>   of stack "/Users/t/Desktop/stack.livecode"
> ...in which the first occurrence of " of stack " is the one we want.
> We could break it by changing the use case: instead of requiring long IDs
> (I rarely anything else) we might pass in a long name, in which a button
> might have a name that includes " of stack ".
> But as soon as we allow other forms of object references to be passed in
> we're probably going to want to convert those to long IDs anyway.  And
> since we can't guarantee the object reference is valid we'd probably need
> to add a try structure there as well:
> function ObjectStack pObj
>    try
>      put the long id of pObj into pObj
>    catch tErr
>      throw "Error in call to ObjectStack: invalid object reference"
>    end try
>    return char (offset(" of stack ", pObj)+4) to -1 of pObj
> end ObjectStack
> Any other edge cases that should be accounted for?
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Systems
>  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
>  ____________________________________________________________________
>  Ambassador at FourthWorld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com
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