[ANN} - LiveCode MiniTest

Peter W A Wood peterwawood at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 04:35:26 EDT 2015

I have written a few automated test scripts to test elements of LiveCode. The testing commands and the tests were all in a single script. I’m now about to modernise a stack I use personally and want to develop a set of tests for it as I write it.

Rather than copy and paste the few testing commands into another script, I’ve pulled them together into a very simple toolkit for testing LiveCode stacks and scripts. I call in Mini Test. I thought it may be of some use to others so I’ve written some very basic documentation and published it on Github. It can be found at https://github.com/PeterWAWood/LiveCode-MiniTest <https://github.com/PeterWAWood/LiveCode-MiniTest>



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