mobileSound Files question

William Prothero prothero at
Wed Apr 29 14:14:05 EDT 2015

On thing that is missing in the commands for the  mobileSound commands is a way to determine the length of a sound file. I can pretty much live with the limitations that I see so far, but it is going to be a kludge to determine the play time of a sound file.

Also, the player is AVFoundation on iOS too?? Why are the number of commands that can be given to the mobile player so limited? Seems being able to duplicate the desktop player functionality would be very useful.

Or are there other ways of playing sounds that have the more expanded functionality?

> On Apr 28, 2015, at 5:12 PM, William Prothero <prothero at> wrote:
> Folks:
> I have my 3 sound files playing fine on the iOS simulator. But, is it possible to get other file parameters like the play time, or set the location to start play? This is possible on desktop player, but I don’t see any commands for this in the dictionary.
> Or do I need to use one of Monte’s externals to get that functionality?
> Best,
> Bill
> William A. Prothero
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