Android Intents/iOS Extensions?

Monte Goulding monte at
Thu Apr 23 21:07:34 EDT 2015

On 24 Apr 2015, at 9:37 am, Monte Goulding <monte at> wrote:

> Actually I've just reviewed my changes and it looks like I stuffed them up. I'll submit another pull request in a minute and add custom plists for iOS too.

OK, here it is... sorry Jacque for leading you up a garden path on that forum topic we discussed this on.

The good news is you should be fine to copy the raw files from the above pull request into the LC app bundle.

However, given your specific case where even if you edit the manifest in the runtime folder it fails I think there's more to the problem. I've certainly been able to do that to add permissions that aren't on the SB dialog etc.



M E R Goulding 
Software development services
Bespoke application development for vertical markets

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