Android Intents/iOS Extensions?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Apr 23 13:55:26 EDT 2015

On 4/23/2015 12:43 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> However, that tutorial only shows how to have two LC apps pass info to
> each other, and not how to allow an LC app to receive data from any
> other app.
> This seems to be the role of the intents in the Android manifest, and
> while I haven't yet tried it I'm imagining that once I edit the
> manifest.xml to include my desired intents and add a urlWakeUp handler
> in my app I should be able to get what I'm looking for.
> This raises two questions:
> 1. Before I dive in, does anyone here know why this wouldn't work?
> 2. If it does work, why doesn't the IDE provide a way for us to include
> intents in the manifest, rather than manually editing the manifest.xml
> file for each app we make?

Good luck revising the manifest in Android. I am unable to do that, 
though Monte says it should work and he submitted a fix for it quite a 
while ago.

Forum thread is here: 

We do need a way to provide our own manifest, or edit the existing one:


Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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