confirmation dialog opening on second screen can't be answered

stephen barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at
Sat Apr 18 23:30:49 EDT 2015

Dr. Hawkins,

There has been a lot of angst here too with multiple monitors.
My rig has THREE now. One DVI to apple cinema 23, one displayport with a
DVI adapter to another cinema 23, and one NewerTech USB adapter (which has
Displayport software) going to a 40" HDMI monitor.

The last version of Yosemite 10.10.2 had unbelievable problems - stacking
order, mirroring I didn't want, things changing.
10.10.3 seemed to help the monitors get in line, although there was a
moment after the upgrade when all three screens went to 4x magnification
and tried to 'tile' badly and it was impossible to get the system
preferences in view, plus no cursor - flying blind.

A forced restart brought order and things in the right places again, even
after reboot. Before the prefs would scramble if the HDMI monitor was
plugged in on boot.

Methinks Apple is finally getting their portion of their multi-screen bugs
working. There's a lot going on, with the way the new 'spaces'  interacts
with multiple displays...

makes my head hurt.

you have my sympathies. But it appears that the new update to 10.10.3 fixes
some things.


Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA - Deeds Not Words

On Sat, Apr 18, 2015 at 7:48 PM, Dr. Hawkins <dochawk at> wrote:

> No idea how to reproduce *this* one; it bit three or four times today.
> all windows on main screen, except the application browser, which
> overlapped both.  Yosemite, but with that separate workspaces nonsense
> turned off.
> At times, it would pop the "are you sure"/save boxes on the second screen.
> I have no idea why.
> It is impossible to click either choice when this happens.  Finally, it
> occurred to me to pull the cable, which froced all the windows onto the
> main sreen.
> --
> Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
> (702) 508-8462
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