Answering a few questions about my book

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Fri Apr 17 17:27:24 EDT 2015

Hi everyone,

A few people have asked me whether my book is still relevant, now that 
LiveCode 7 handles text differently and LiveCode 8 will provide a number 
of significant new features .  The book is mainly about the scripting 
language. More than 99% of the LiveCode language has continued to work 
from Revolution 3.5 till LiveCode 8. Probably, more than 99.9% of the 
language as discussed in my book, still works in LiveCode 8 (and 
probably future versions too).

Currently, I have no plans to rewrite the book. If I ever do so, I would 
probably focus on the new properties inspector and new text features, 
not so much on widgets and html5. This way, the book will serve its 
purpose best: an introduction to LiveCode for real beginners.
I have also been asked if I'm going to write more books about LiveCode. 
Probably I will. One book is making good progress and will be available 
in a few months; hopefully before the end of summer, but only when I'm 
satisfied about it.

The question I get most frequently is about publishing an e-book. It has 
to be said again: Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner will not be 
published as an e-book. I might decide to publish an e-book some time, 
but it won't be this book.

If you have any more questions, please read this blog post It answers almost all questions. You can also 
send an e-mail to support at

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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