Custom Desktop Folders

Klaus major-k klaus at
Thu Apr 16 10:57:06 EDT 2015

Am 16.04.2015 um 16:37 schrieb Klaus major-k <klaus at>:
> Hi Ray,
>> Am 16.04.2015 um 21:57 schrieb Ray <ray at>:
>> Mike,
>> I've been wrestling with this again this morning and I'm unable to get the icon to display at all, let alone concern myself with paths.
>> I'm using revCopyFolder to create the folder I want by duplicating an existing folder with the .ico file in it.  RevCopyFolder duplicates the folder to another location and it includes the .ico file in the folder but it excludes the dektop.ini file.  I can create one from within Livecode but it doesn't work.  I can see why, too.  If I right-click it, choose Properties and go to the Details tab I can see that the Desktop.ini file I made in Livecode has Attributes of "A" while the one Windows 8.1 make (when I manually set a folder icon in the folder's properties window) has Attributes of "HSA".  Sounds like some sort of housing authority:)
>> I've tried using RevCopyFile to duplicate the Desktop.ini file with the proper attributes to my new folder but it also fails.  Evidently Windows 8.1 blocks this, even though there's no other Desktop.ini file present yet.
>> So at this point I'm stuck unless I can find some way within Livecode to set the Attributes of the Desktop.ini file I create to "HSA".
>> Any ideas?
> can’t you use something like (out of my head!):
>> ##get shell("attrib -HSA path/to/inifile.ini“)

## I meant of course:
get shell("attrib -HSA path/to/iconfile.ico“)



Klaus Major
klaus at

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